Building Strong Relationships with Clients

A nurse holding hands with an elderly woman.

Caregiving is an intimate job. As an at-home caregiver, you’re working one-on-one with your client, often assisting them with personal tasks, such as grooming or changing clothes. You want your clients to feel safe and comfortable when performing these tasks, so it’s vital to build a strong relationship with them. 

The Importance of Building Relationships 

The relationship between the caregiver and the client is essential to a successful care plan. As a caregiver, you want your clients to feel comfortable and safe when you’re in their homes. And the best way to make them feel secure with you is to build a trusting relationship with them. The stronger your relationship, the more open your client will be with the assistance they need, allowing you to provide a higher quality of care. 

Tips for Building Relationships with Clients

If you’re new to caregiving or have a new client and you want to start building a stronger relationship with them, consider the following:

  • Get to know your client as a person. Your client is a person who has lived a long life. Take the time to get to know who they are. Ask them questions about their childhood, careers, and places they’ve lived or visited. The more you learn about your client, the more comfortable they’ll feel, and they may have an easier time opening up to you in the future.
  • Ask permission and input when assisting your client. When you’re an at-home caregiver, remember you’re walking into another person’s home. This person has a routine and a way they like things done. Ask for your clients’ input when helping to clean the house, do laundry, or make meals. Also, ask their permission or get their consent before performing more personal assistance such as showering or toileting.
  • Treat your clients with respect. One of the most important things to remember when working with clients is to treat them with respect. When you approach a situation with kindness and respect, you’ll receive the same in return, leading to a more trusting and supportive relationship. 

The Don’ts of Relationships with Clients

You want to build a trusting relationship with your client, but you also want to keep that relationship professional. 

  • Use good judgment when accepting gifts from clients. It’s common for clients to want to show their appreciation with small gifts. A card, baked goods, or another small token can be okay, but use good judgment before accepting presents. Also, be mindful of gifts from clients with dementia or another condition that affects their cognition or memory. They may give you something without realizing the value or importance of the item. 
  • Don’t provide your personal contact information. As you grow closer with your client, you may feel compelled to share personal contact information, such as your phone number or email. While the gesture is kind, you don’t want your clients to have unlimited access to you. You also don’t want to provide care or assistance without the knowledge or approval of One Solution Home Care. 
  • Don’t provide care outside of your qualifications. It might be tempting to help clients with services outside of your qualifications, but it is important not to overstep. If your client asks for help repairing something around the home or wants you to assist with complex yard work, offer to help them hire a professional to fulfill their request. If they ask you to provide medical care, calmly explain why you can’t help and offer to contact a medical professional or take them to the doctor. 

Are you interested in learning more about a caring career with One Solution Home Care? Please visit us online! We are currently hiring experienced caregivers for our senior clients throughout the South Coast, the East Bay area and along MA 9.