Why Choose Us
Our Caregivers
Each potential employee is required to undergo a thorough screening during our intricate hiring process.
Our screening process includes a CORI/BCI background check and fingerprinting; work history is evaluated and then verified through a number of registries. We then run driving records to ensure our clients are also safe and secure while being transported by vehicle. A current physical and up-to-date immunizations are required as well.
Once the potential employee completes and passes our initial screening process, we then interview the applicant, evaluating for honesty, compassion, work ethic, experience, and dependability.
We are beyond proud of our care team and office staff.
You will be too.
Cost of Services
One Solution Home Care understands that the cost of care can be overwhelming to families. That is why we work very hard to provide affordable, yet outstanding care.
- We accept long-term care insurance and private pay in MA and RI.
- We accept RI Medicaid
Find Affordable Plans in Massachusetts
Here is a guide that provides a detailed overview of your health insurance options in Massachusetts. Click here.
How We Protect You
One Solution Home Care is licensed, insured, and bonded in both Massachusetts and Rhode Island. Should an unfortunate event occur, it is not the client’s financial responsibility: We maintain workman's compensation and general liability.
For Rhode Islanders: We are licensed through Rhode Island’s Department of Health.
*The R.I. Department of Health requires all home care agencies providing personal care services or dressing assistance to be licensed. This knowledge will assist you in choosing the correct agency when deciding who will care for your loved one. Making the right choice will also bring peace of mind, knowing that you or your loved one will be receiving proper care from a licensed facility.
If you have any questions and need additional information, please do not hesitate to call our main office. We are here to help.